Yardwise Educational Outreach Seminars


SWIM  |  HHW  |  Yardwise  |  RPESP

The "YardWise" program is a FREE semi-annual course available to all Harris County residents interested in learning more about environmentally responsible yard care. The course participants will attend up to half or a full day of classroom sessions and field instruction featuring lectures, slides, videos, and hands-on demonstrations. YardWise covers such topics as:

  • Backyard Composting
  • Correct Application of Lawn Chemicals
  • "Don't Bag It" Plan
  • Integrated Pest Management
  • Less Toxic Alternatives
  • Mulching & Grasscycling
  • Vermi-Composting
  • WaterSmart
  • Xeriscaping

If you are interested in participating in the Yard Wise Program, fill out the form shown below. If you have additional questions call 713-685-7352 or email Sheldra.Brigham@hcfcd.hctx.net. Class size is limited.